perm filename GENL.BIB[RDG,DBL]7 blob sn#708864 filedate 1983-04-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	@String(HPP="Heuristic Programming Project")
C00004 00003	@Comment{ Non Monotonic Logic }
C00020 00004	@Comment{ Expert Systems, Theory }
C00022 00005	@Comment{ Production Systems - Theory }
C00024 00006	@Comment{ Working Production Systems }
C00028 00007	@Comment{ Running System, Misc }
C00032 00008	@Comment{ Automatic Programming }
C00034 00009	@Comment{ Theorem Proving }
C00035 00010	@Comment{ Meta Level Stuff }
C00041 00011	@Comment{ Planning }
C00042 00012	@Comment{ Learning }
C00047 00013	@Comment{ Domain Stuff }
C00062 00014	@Comment{ Misc Things }
C00066 00015	@Comment{  Add in later
C00073 ENDMK
@String(HPP="Heuristic Programming Project")
@String(SU="Stanford University")
@String(CSDSU="Computer Science Department, Stanford University")
@String(WP="HPP Working Paper")
@String(RAND="The Rand Corporation")
@String(RWD="RAND Working Draft")
@String(MIT="Massachusetts Institute of Technology")
@String(CMU="Carnegie-Mellon University")
@String(IJCAI="International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence")
@String(AAAI="American Association for Artificial Intelligence")
@String(AI="Artificial Intelligence")

@Comment{ Non Monotonic Logic }

Key = "AI Journal",
Title = "Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal",
Publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Company",
Address = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
Volume= "3", Number = "1 and 2", Year = 1980, Month = APR,
Note = "Special Issue on Non-Monotonic Logic")

Key = "Doyle",
Author = "Doyle, Jon", 
Title = "A Model for Deliberation, Action, and Introspection",
School = MIT, Month = JUN, Year = 1980)

Key = "Reiter",
Author = "Reiter, Raymond", Title = "On Reasoning by Default",
Booktitle = "Theoritical Issues in Natural Language Processing-2",
Address = "Urbana, Illinois", Year = 1977,
Organization = "Association for Computing Machinery", Pages = "210-218")

Key = "Weyhrauch",
Author = "Weyhrauch, Richard W.",
Title = "Prolegomena to a Theory of Formal Reasoning",
Institution = SU, Number = "AIM-315", Month = DEC,
Year = 1978)
@Comment{ Expert Systems, Theory }

Key = "Hayes-Roth",
Author = "Hayes-Roth, Frederick, Waterman, D. A. and Lenat, Douglas B.",
Title = "Designing Expert Systems", Note = "in construction")

Key = "Nii",
Author = "Nii, H. Penny, and Aiello, N.", Title = "AGE (Attempt to Generalize):
A Knowledge-Based Program for Building Knowledge-Based Program", 
Booktitle = "6-IJCAI", Organization = "Tokyo", Month = AUG, Year = 1979)

Key = "vanMelle",
Author = "van Melle, William J.", Title =
"A Domain-Independent System for Constructing Consultation Systems",
School = CSDSU, Month = JUN, Year = 1980)

Key = "Weiss",
Author = "Weiss, Sholom M., and Kulikowski, Casimir A.",
Title = "EXPERT: A System for Developing Consultation Models",
Booktitle = "6-IJCAI", Organization = "Toyko", Month = AUG, Year = 1979,
Pages = "942-947")
@Comment{ Production Systems - Theory }

Key = "Waterman",
Editor = "Waterman, D. A. and Hayes-Roth, Frederick",
Title = "Pattern-Directed Inference Systems", Publisher = "Academic Press, Inc.",
Year = 1978)

Key = "Lenat",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B. and Harris, Gregory",
Title = "Designing a Rule System That Searches for Scientific Discoveries",
Booktitle = "Pattern-Directed Inference Systems",
Editors = "D. A. Waterman and Frederick Hayes-Roth", 
Publisher = "Academic Press, Inc.", Year = 1978, Pages = "25-52")

Key = "Lenat",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B. and McDermott, John",
Title = "Less Than General Production System Architures",
Booktitle = "5-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Year = 1977, Pages = "928-932")

Key = "Forgy",
Author = "Forgy, C. L.",
Title = "On the Efficient Implementation of Production System",
School = CMU,
Month = FEB, Year = 1979)

Key = "Forgy",
Author = "Forgy, C. L. and McDermott, John",
Title = "OPS, A Domain-Independent Production System",
Booktitle = "5-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Year = 1977, Pages = "933-939")

@Comment{ Working Production Systems }

Key = "Shortliffe",
Author = "Shortliffe, E. H.", Title = "Computer-based Medical Consultations: MYCIN",
Address = "New York", Publisher = "American Elsevier", Year = 1976)

Key = "Smith",
Author = "Smith, David and Clayton, Janice",
Title = "A Frame-based Production System Architecture",
Booktitle = "1-AAAI", Organization = SU, Month = AUG,
Year = 1980)

Key = "Lenat",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B.", Title = "AM: Automated Discovery in Mathematics",
Booktitle = "5-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Month = AUG, Year = 1977)

Key = "Lenat",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B.", Title = "AM: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
to Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search",
School = CSDSU, Month = JUL, Year = 1976, Note = "STAN-CS-76-570")

Key = "Aikins",
Author = "Aikins, Jan", Title = "Prototypes and Production Rules: 
An Approach to Knowledge Representation from Hypothesis Formation",
Type = WP, Number = "HPP-79-10",
Institution = CSDSU,
Month = JUL, Year = 1979)

Key = "Fagan",
Author = "Fagan, Lawrence",
Title = "Representing Time Dependent Relations in a Medical Setting", 
School = CSDSU, Year = 1980)

Key = "Kunz",
Author = "Kunz, J. C., R. J. Fallat, D. H. McClung, J. J. Osborn, B. A. Votteri,
H. P. Nii, J. S. Aikins, L. M. Fagan and E. A. Feigenbaum",
Title = "A Physiological Rule-Based System for Interpreting Pulmonary Function
Test Results",
Institution = CSDSU,
Type = WP, Number = "HPP-80-19",
Month = NOV, Year = 1978)

Key = "Feigenbaum",
Author = "Feigenbaum, E. A., Buchanan, B. G., Kedes, L. H. and Brutlag, D.",
Title = "A Proposal for Continuation of the MOLGEN Project: A Computer Science
Application to Molecular Biology",
Institution = CSDSU,
Type = WP, Number = "HPP-80-5",
Month = APR, Year = 1980)

Key = "Bennett",
Author = "Bennett, James E., Creary, Lewis, Englemor, Robert and Melosh, Robert",
Title = "SACON: A Knowledge-Based Consultant for Structural Analysis",
Institution = CSDSU,
Type = WP, Number = "STAN-78-699",
Month = SEP, Year = 1978)
@Comment{ Running System, Misc }

Key = "Erman",
Author = "Erman, L. D., and Lesser, V. R.",
Title = "A multi-level organization for problem solving using many, diverse,
cooperating sources of knowledge",
Booktitle = "4-IJCAI", Organization = "Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR",
Year = 1975, Pages = "483-490")

Key = "Lesser",
Author = "Lesser, V. R. and Erman, L. D.",
Title = "A Retrospective view of the HearSay-II Architecture",
Booktitle = "5-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Year = 1977, Pages = "790-800")

Key = "Shank",
Author = "Shank, Roger C. and Abelson, Robert P.", 
Title = "Scripts, Plans, Goals and Understanding: 
An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures",
Address = "Hillsdale, NJ", Publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates", Year = 1977)

Key = "Buchanan",
Author = "Buchanan, Bruce G. and Feigenbaum, Edward A.",
Title = "Dendral and MetaDendral, their Applications Dimension",
Journal =  "Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal",
Volume = 11, Year = 1978, Pages = "5-24")

Key = "Mitchell",
Author = "Mitchell, Thomas M.",
Title = "Version Spaces: A Candidate Elimiation Approach to Concept Learning",
Booktitle = "5-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Year = 1979, Pages = "305-310")

Key = "Mitchell",
Author = "Mitchell, Thomas M., Utgoff, Paul E., Nudel, Bernard and Banerji, Ranan",
Title = "Learning Problem-Solving Heuristics thruough Practice",
Booktitle = "7-IJCAI", Organization = UBC, Year = 1981, Pages = "127-134")

Key = "Lenat",
Editors = "Davis, Randall and Lenat, Douglas B.",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B.",
BookTitle = "Knowledge-Based Systems in Artificial Intelligence",
Title = "AM: Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search",
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill International Book Company",
Address = "San Francisco",
Year = 1982)

Key = "Davis",
Editors = "Davis, Rnadall and Lenat, Douglas B.",
Author = "Davis, Rnadall",
BookTitle = "Knowledge-Based Systems in Artificial Intelligence",
Title = "Teiresias: Application of Mea-Level Knowledge",
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill International Book Company",
Address = "San Francisco",
Year = 1982)
@Comment{ Automatic Programming }

Key = "Green", 
Author = "Green, Cordell, Richard P. Gabriel, Elaine Kant, Beverly I. Kedzierski,
Brian P. McCune, Jorge V. Phillips, Steve T. Tappel and Stephen J. Westfall",
Title = "Results in Knowledge Based Program Synthesis", Booktitle = "6-IJCAI",
Organization = "Tokyo", Month = AUG, Year = 1977)

Key = "Phillips",
Author = "Phillips, Jorge", Title =
"Self-Described Programming Environment:
An Application of a Theory of Design to Programming Systems",
School = CSDSU, Month = DEC, Year = 1980)

Key = "Kant",
Author = "Kant, Elaine", Title =
"Efficiency Considerations in Program Synthesis:
A Knowledge Based Approach",
School = CSDSU, Month = JUN, Year = 1979)

Key = "Barstow",
Author = "Barstow, David", Title =
"Knowledge-Based Program Construction",
Publisher = "Elsevier", Address = "North Holland", Year = 1979)

Key = "Manna",
Author = "Manna, Zohar and Waldinger, Richard",
Title = "A Deductive Approach to Program Synthesis",
Booktitle = "6-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Year = 1977, Pages = "542-551")

@Comment{ Theorem Proving }

Key = "Bledsoe",
Author = "Bledsoe, W. W.", Title = "Non-resolution Theorem Proving",
Journal = "Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal",
Volume="9", Number = "1", Month = AUG, Year = 1977, Pages = "1-36")
@Comment{ Meta Level Stuff }

Key = "Davis",
Author = "Davis, Randy", Title =
"Applications of Meta Level Knowledge to the Construction, Maintainance and Use
of Large Knowledge Bases",
Institution = SU, Number = "AIM-283", Year = 1976)

@Comment< Doesn't exist, and never will...
Key = "Genesereth",
Author = "Genesereth, Michael, and Lenat, Douglas B.",
Title = "Meta-Description and Modifiability",
Institution = CSDSU,
Type = WP, Number = "HPP-80-18",
Month = SEP, Year = 1980)
@Comment{ Planning }

Key = "Stefik",
Author = "Stefik, Mark J.", Title =
"Planning with Constriants", 
School = CSDSU, Month = JAN, Year = 1980)
@Comment{ Learning }

Key = "Hayes-Roth",
Author = "Hayes-Roth, Barbara and Frederick Hayes-Roth",
Title = "Concept Learning and the Recognition and Classification of Examplars",
Journal = "Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior",
Volume = "16", Pages = "321-338",
Year = 1977)

Key = "Dietterich",
Author = "Dietterich, Thomas G.",
Year = 1981,
Title = "Thesis Proposal",
HowPublished = "Personal communication")

Key = "Langley",
Author = "Langley, Pat",
Title = "Rediscovering Physics With BACON.3",
Pages = "505-507",
Booktitle = "6-IJCAI", Organization = "Tokyo", Month = AUG, Year = 1979)

Key = "Dietterich",
Author = "Dietterich, T.G. and Buchanan, B.G.",
Title = "The Role of the Critic in Learning Systems",
Institution = CSDSU,
Number = "STAN-CS-81-891",
Month = DEC, Year = 1981)

Key = "Buchanan",
Author = "Buchanan, B.G., Mitchell, T.M., Smith, R.G. and Johnson, C.R. Jr.",
Title = "Models of Learning Systems",
Booktitle = "Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology",
Publisher = "Dekker",
Volume = 11, Year = 1978)

Key = "Barr",
Editors = "Barr, A. and Feigenbaum, E.A.",
Series = "The Handbook of Aritificial Intelligence",
Title = "Volume 1",
Volume = 1,
Address = "Los Altos, CA",
Publisher = "William Kaufman, Inc.", Year = 1981)

Key = "Barr",
Editors = "Barr, A. and Feigenbaum, E.A.",
Series = "The Handbook of Aritificial Intelligence",
Title = "Volume 2",
Volume = 2,
Address = "Los Altos, CA",
Publisher = "William Kaufman, Inc.", Year = 1982)

Key = "Cohen",
Editors = "Cohen, P. and Feigenbaum, E.A.",
Series = "The Handbook of Aritificial Intelligence",
Title = "Volume 3",
Volume = 3,
Address = "Los Altos, CA",
Publisher = "William Kaufman, Inc.", Year = 1982)

Key = "Dietterich",
Author = "Dietterich, T.C. and Michalski, R.S.",
Title = "Inductive Learning of Structural Descriptions",
Journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
Volume = "16",
Year = 1981)

Key = "Michalski",
Editors = "Ryszard S. Michalski, Jaime G. Carbonel, and Tom M. Mitchell",
Title = "Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach",
Year = 1983,
Publisher = "Tioga Publishing Company",
Address = "Palo Alto")
@Comment< Various articles.>

Key = "Winston",
Author = "Winston, P.H.",
Title = "Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples",
BookTitle = "The Psychology of Computer Vision",
Editor = "Winston, P.H.",
Publisher = "McGraw Hill",
Address = "New York",
Chapter = "5",
Year = 1975)
@Comment{ Domain Stuff }

Key = "Mead",
Author = "Mead, Carver and Conway, Lynn",
Title = "Inroduction to VLSI Systems",
Publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", Address = "Menlo Park, California",
Year = 1980)

Key = "Aho",
Author = "Aho, Alfred V., Hopcroft, John E., and Ullman, Jeffrey D.",
Title = "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms",
Publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", Address = "Menlo Park, California",
Year = 1976)

Key = "Knuth",
Author = "Knuth, Donald E.",
Title = "The Art of Computer Programming",
BookTitle = "Fundamental Algorithms",
Publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", Address = "Menlo Park, California",
Year = 1978)
@Comment{ Misc Things }

Key = "Genesereth",
Author = "Genesereth, Michael", Title =
"Fast Inference Algorithm Based on a Constraint Propagation of Marks
in a Semantic Network",
Type = "MathLab Memo", Number = "4", Institution = MIT, 
Note = "Cambridge, Massachusetts", Year = 1976)

Key = "Lenat",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B., Hayes-Roth, F. and Klahr, P.",
Title = "Cognitive Economy",
Institution = CSDSU,
Type = WP, Number = "HPP-80-15",
Month = JUN, Year = 1979)

Key = "Michie",
Author = "Michie, Donald", Title =
"Memo functions: a language facility with 'rote learning' properties",
Type = "Research Memorandum", Number = "MIP-r-29",
Institution = "Edinburgh: Department of Machine Intelligence and Perception",
Year = 1967)

Key = "Smith",
Author = "Smith, David", Title = "CORLL Manual:
A Storage and File Management System for Knowledge Bases",
Note = "HPP Working Paper HPP-80-8", Month = NOV, Year = 1980)

Key = "Winograd",
Author = "Winograd, Terry", Title = "Beyond Programming Languages",
Journal = "Communications of the ACM", Pages = "361-ff.", Month = JUL,
Year = 1979)

Key = "Brown",
Author = "Brown, John Seely, and VanLehn, Kurt",
Title = "Repair Theory: A Generative Theory of Bugs in Procedural Skills",
Journal = "Journal of Cognitive Science",
Pages = "not yet", Month = MAR, Year = 1981)

Key = "Feigenbaum",
Editors = "Feigenbaum, Edward A. and Feldman, Julian",
Title = "Computers and Thought",
Address = "San Francisco", 
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill Book Company",
Year = 1963)

Key = "Turing",
Author = "Turing, A. M.",
Title = "Computer Machinery and Intelligence",
BookTitle = "Computers and Thought",
Pages = "11-35",
Editors = "Feigenbaum, Edward A. and Feldman, Julian",
Address = "San Francisco", 
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill Book Company",
Year = 1963)
@Comment{  Add in later